Guess What this means?


Guess What this means?

Yes, I have been accepted to become a Certified Faster Way to Fat Loss Coach! To say I’m excited is an understatement! But what is even more exciting and amazing is seeing how God has worked in amazing & unforeseen ways!

Y’all, I didn’t seek this opportunity out! I joined this program back in April, begrudgingly! I really didn’t want to do it and make all these changes, nutritionally! I mean, committing to Intermittent Fasting, & Carb Cycling whole also giving up Gluten and Dairy...It seemed overwhelming and too hard! But I promised my amazing friend, Candace Flottmann, that I would do it with her so we could hold each other accountable. And if you know me, you know, when I commit I am in it...100%!

This experience since April has blown my mind! It has changed my life, literally! From the inside out, I am healthier, leaner, more energetic, stronger and absolutely FULL of joy! I’ve lost 17 lbs and over 14” and maintained it while eating A TON OF FOOD…whole, healthy food that is. And I can’t stop sharing and talking about it because I feel so incredibly amazing and I want EVERYONE to feel this way!
Now, back to God and how He works! I NEVER expected to be in the health and fitness coaching world again. But through a lot of prayer, surrender and trust, God has brought me here and threw open this door.

I know that one of the gifts he has given me in the “gifts of encouragement”. I do love to encourage others! He said, “Christy, walk through this door.” God and I together decided and it was HIS perfect timing, and time for me to step back in to this arena, full of joy and ready to encourage anyone who needs it and is ready for change!

So here I am! Submitting! Obeying! Trusting HIM! This isn’t about Me! This is about God…Knowing Him, Serving Him and Loving Others! And this is one of the ways He is calling me to step out in faith and MOVE! So, here we go! God and I partnering together!

My goal is to get my certification completed and test passed by Friday, October 2nd! Once that is done, I am launching my very first Faster Way to Fat Loss round, beginning on October 12th!

IF you want to know more, are in a place where you know something has to change and want to be loved, encouraged and held accountable, click below and let’s talk! We can discuss where you are, your goals and struggles while we figure out if this is a good fit for you to explore!

Change can be hard, overwhelming and a bit intimidating, but as I shared, this decision was LIFE CHANGING for me in the very best of ways, and I look forward to helping others experience this amazingness in their life too!!!

