Overcoming "Should"

Do you play the "should" game when it comes to your life?

Maybe it comes from family, friends, acquaintances or even strangers; basically others telling you what you should do or be! And if it isn't coming from them, it more than likely is coming from the voice in your own head. You know the one! The voice that tells you, "You should do this or you should be that." Unfortunately, I know this voice ALL too well! Frankly, I think she needs a name and I am honestly working on giving her one!

I have come to detest this word should. Why? Because it can lead us down a dangerous path. It has the ability to twist us up inside so much that we lose sight of who we really are. We stop paying attention to our unique gifts, talents and abilities. And all this happens because we are trying to be someone either other or the voice in our head thinks we "should" be instead of who we ACTUALLY are!

God has been revealing many things to me in the past couple of months. It has been a very eye opening experience. It is long overdue but God's patience stands the test of time. I had to get to a place where I was completely open to really hear what God was saying and actually be willing to admit some hard truths out loud. It has been heart wrenching, eye-opening, life-giving, freeing and humbling, just to name a few emotions. And every moment I spend uncovering who God says I am has been absolutely worth it. Work is being done in my heart and soul. I wake up daily desiring to open myself up to Him to see what he wants to show me each day. This season is beautiful!

I will be unpacking the lessons, truths and revelations God has been showing me over the next several weeks on my Progress Matters Podcast. To listen to the most recent episode "Overcoming Should" you can click on the link below:

I am being vulnerable in sharing this season of my life in hopes of encouraging and inspiring you to see if you have been playing the "should" game with your life. When we stop factoring in the world and all it says we "should" be, or stop listening to our own voice and start listening to God's, looking only to Him for answers: clarity comes, peace follows and we can finally feel free to be who we ARE, and escape the "should" mindset!

It's all about making progress as we walk this journey of life! Every step you take is progress and it matters! Don't give up! God's got you!

