The Power of the Scale

power of scale.png

Have you really ever stopped and asked yourself - "How much power do I give the scale?"

I think this is a VERY important question to evaluate and one we all need to answer! I've been guilty of allowing the number staring back at me to determine my mood for the day! There have been seasons where If the number is one that makes me happy, I feel like I can conquer the world, but if it is a number that is less than stellar (in my eyes), I feel completely deflated and failure rushes over me!

Can you relate?

We have to STOP giving this crazy contraption SO MUCH POWER! It doesn't deserve it and it most definitely does NOT tell the WHOLE Story!

Let's dig a little deeper on this week's Progress Matters Podcast episode! I pray this helps you break the stronghold the scale has on you, if this is a true struggle of yours.

Progress Matters, Friends! And every step we take, no matter how big or small to improve and live our best life MATTERS!
